Exo Mek [PC PvE]
If you haven't done Genesis 2 boss, Exo Mek can be used as a portable tek replicator - it has 600 slots and doesn't need element to craft items but is limited by 20'000 weight. Unpod it when you want to do the crafting, cryo when done!
If you have beaten the Gen2 Rockwell in any of the difficulties to unlock the engram, you can walk it (consumes element). It has some battle abilities, amazing speed and the possibility to jump quite high but more importantly, you can pick up the building structures you've previously placed - foundations, walls, ceilings, and even utility structures like vaults and fridges. To add more, you can also use it to lift the utility structures and walk them to a different spot without dissolving them into a crafted item. No more destroying misplaced things - do base renovations whenever you feel like it without losing any resources!
Exo meks are the best companions when looting a decaying base. When reaching full weight, they won't be able to jump or run anymore but won't have problems with walking (if you have unlocked this ability).