Snow Owl [PvE Cross]
Snow Owls are usually used to heal dinos with their healing ability or just placed by Gachas for them to pick up pellets (which increase Gacha loot quality as well as can be used as fertilizer). They're a pretty decent flyer - fly up in the sky and point the owl to the ground to activate the fast gliding mechanic, use the gained momentum to get back to the high point and repeat.
Little known fact - with C you can activate the thermal vision which helps to locate any living organisms. This is especially useful when hunting Thylacoleos on Redwood trees to kill them for Thylo claws (the boss tribute) or just to tame them for fun.
Level 7 owl clones are good for pellet production for Gacha but be careful not to starve them to death as their food value is also low.
For higher level owl guaranteed stats are: 3510 (40p) health, 1785 (41p) stamina, 855 (45) weight, 438 (41p) damage.